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Showing posts from May, 2022


In our last discussion on this topic we explored about some of the early contributions made towards the development of atomic structure... Modern Physics is not limited to the atomic concepts it also covers a whole new branch of physics, called electromagnetism and also deals with advanced physics concepts like QED (Quantum Electro Dynamics), Theory of Relativity and more... In today's blog we will continue with our discussion on atom and learn about how an entirely new concept of atom was put forward by modern scientists. I am quite confident that after reading this blog you may question your common sense, because the modern ideas about atomic structure is really strange and really interesting. You will also appreciate the efforts taken up by scientists to maximise our understanding about something that we cannot see with our unaided eye... '' Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real '' -Niels Bohr HISTORICAL NOTE At the time of Chr...


The most important headline in the news is the discovery of a black hole at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy... The idea behind black holes can be conceived both theologically and scientifically. The development of science and technology has helped us to know more about these gentle giants, wait, are they gentle??? Many people, especially the young consider black holes as monstrous systems which engulfs everything which comes near its field of influence, according to them black holes are horrific and terrible. The truth is not far away from this, but do you know that black holes are very essential in our Universe. Everything in our Universe has a positive and negative aspect associated with it. NASA's modern telescopes captured the image of this black hole situated in the centre of the Milky Way can find the image below...                                           ...


In our last blog we gave an introduction to Universe, how it came into being and how it evolved over the years and what would happen in the years to come...In today's blog I am going to introduce you all to our Solar System... As I already mentioned in the previous blog that there are many other solar systems in our Milky Way Galaxy and ours is just one among them.  Let us break down this word, SOLAR means SUN, therefore Solar System is essentially a system composed of Sun and other celestial bodies which revolve around it in circular orbits, sorry, elliptical orbits. Why???? It was conceived by Copernicus that Sun is at the centre and other celestial bodies revolved around it in 'circular orbits', but alas his description was proved wrong by the findings of Tycho Brahe, Kepler and other astronomers. They showed that planets move in elliptical orbits around the Sun, this concept was first put forward by Kepler in his famous 'Laws of Planetary Motion'.  If orbits are...


Universe in simple words is a region which is composed of celestial objects like galaxies, stars, planets, asteroids, meteors, comets, black holes, white holes (sounds mysterious right? 🤔)...sorry if I have missed out anything...😅 ''Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying''                                                                    Arthur C. Clarke The universe is so beautiful, extraordinary and mysterious that it is and remains a system which humans won't be able to understand completely, even if they could it, there could be something, something out there which still remains unnoticed and researched... Human Beings have shown a fascinating interest in understanding the universe, it all started with the launch of Sputnik 1 by the then Soviet Unio...