Time-we are well aware of this physical entity which according to many waits for none. Several theories were developed on the concept of 'time'. It was during the mid-sixteenth century that Sir Isaac Newton published his masterpiece, The Principia Mathematica, in which he introduced the concept of 'absolute time' . Figure 1: Unparalleled geniuses, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Though this Newtonian concept was famous and widely accepted in the beginning, it faced a lot of opposition during the early twentieth century from a patent clerk who was working on a new concept of space and time. This patent clerk would publish his famous papers on relativity, in a scientific masterpiece, 'Relativity- Special and the General Theory'. The patent clerk was none other than, Albert Einstein who believed in the concept of 'relativistic time'. Poor Einstein had to face a lot of criticism when he published his findings solely because, it questioned the findings...
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