In the previous blog, we explored some of the earliest descriptions of nature and how these ideas were widely accepted by people of the time. However, as history progressed, there were certain groundbreaking moments that reshaped our understanding of the world — moments truly worth mentioning.
For instance, the discovery of a mysterious force called gravity, which not only pulls everything down but also prevents objects from effortlessly rising up. Or the Theory of Relativity, introduced by the legendary Albert Einstein, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and motion.
The Theory of Relativity is a fascinating and deeply complex concept — in fact, it’s a topic I’m currently exploring as part of my own research. So, I’ll save that for a future blog where we can dive into its mind-bending details.
For now, in this blog, let us focus on the remarkable contributions made by some of the greatest minds in scientific history — Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and Sir Isaac Newton.
Also, just to reassure my readers — I will try my best to keep the mathematics to a minimum, as I know equations can sometimes have a strange power to put people to sleep!
Portrait 1: Tycho Brahe
Tycho Brahe stands as a highly influential figure in the history of science, particularly in the field of astronomy. His pioneering work and relentless pursuit of accurate data collection set a new benchmark in observational astronomy. Tycho is best known for his meticulous and precise recordings of planetary positions, which were far more accurate than any made before his time.
Among those who recognized the value of Tycho’s work was the great German astronomer Johannes Kepler, who had the privilege of working under him for a brief period. After Tycho’s death, Kepler inherited his vast collection of observational data, and it was this treasure trove of data that enabled Kepler to formulate his famous Laws of Planetary Motion — laws that revolutionized astronomy forever.
Whenever I speak about Tycho Brahe, there’s one remarkable story that I simply cannot leave out — a story that reflects his sheer passion and unwavering dedication to astronomical science.
The story goes like this: King Frederick II of Denmark granted Tycho an entire island — the island of Hven — as a reward for his contributions. Tycho transformed this island into a world-class astronomical research center, building a state-of-the-art observatory called Uraniborg. This personal observatory allowed Tycho to observe the skies with unprecedented precision, gathering the very data that would later become the foundation of Kepler’s groundbreaking work.
In many ways, Tycho Brahe’s legacy is not just in his own observations, but in how he empowered future scientists like Kepler to take astronomy to new heights. His passion, his precision, and his relentless pursuit of knowledge continue to inspire astronomers to this very day.
Portrait 2: Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler is renowned for formulating the laws of planetary motion, which played a pivotal role in shaping the field of space science. These groundbreaking laws were later justified and expanded upon by Isaac Newton in his iconic work, The Principia. The three fundamental laws proposed by Kepler are as follows:
LAW 1:
"Planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one end of the foci."
Explanation: Copernicus believed that planets and other celestial bodies moved in circular orbits around the sun, but Kepler modified his theory by stating that they move in elliptical orbits as shown below.
Figure 1: Depiction of Kepler's First Law. The two black dots that you can see inside the ellipse accounts for the two foci and sun is placed at one of the foci.
Now there is a reason why they have elliptical orbits, however I am not going to explain that part here because it needs the use of mathematics. So to put it simply, this phenomenon is because of 'eccentricity', a term associated with ellipse ( a special type of conic section), which is a very interesting concept in Mathematics (and quite easy too!). I will deal with eccentricity and its applications in a later episode.
LAW 2:
"The line between the planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time."
Explanation: First consider two positions (the two green dots associated with A) representing the initial and final positions of the planet and find the area traversed by the planet(the red region). Now consider initial and final positions of the same planet (the two green dots associated with B) after a time interval say, one or two weeks, and find the area traversed by the planet in this case (the blue region). The final inference is,
area (Red region)= area (Blue region)
Figure 2: Kepler's Second law of Planetary Motion
While it may seem simple to express these laws in words today, we must truly appreciate the remarkable efforts of our ancestors, who meticulously observed planetary motions and formulated these laws — laws that continue to find profound applications even today, more than five centuries after they were first proposed!
LAW 3:
"The square of the time period of revolution of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of the ellipse traced out by the planet"
Explanation: Kepler's Third law can be mathematically expressed as follows,
T ² ∝ r³
Now in order to remove the proportionality sign we introduce a constant, 'K' which is called the Kepler Constant.
This implies that,
K= r³/ T²
Now, let us move forward and meet one of the most influential figures of the Scientific Revolution — a man who played a crucial role in shaping modern science, yet endured severe criticism and persecution for challenging the widely accepted Aristotelian view of the universe. This remarkable figure is none other than Galileo Galilei.
Galileo was a passionate scientist and was a real experimenter. His love for mathematics helped him to achieve great breakthroughs in the field of scientific research but he had to pay a harsh price...
Galileo's father wanted him to be a doctor, however Galileo didn't like the profession because of his real interest in mathematics. He was a sought of a rebel and openly criticised some of the well-known scientific concepts prevailing at that time.
Galileo was very interested in the motion of rolling bodies, his experiments on smooth, inclined, double inclined planes are very famous and are examples of some of the early experiments to analyse motion of bodies. Based on his experiments he formulated a law, now known as the 'Galileo's Law of Inertia'. The inability of a change its state of rest or uniform motion in a right line is called the 'inertia'.
Galileo's Law of Inertia can be stated as follows,
'' Every body continues to be in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change that change by forces impressed there on''
This is essentially, 'Newton's First Law of Motion'. From this statement we can clearly understand that a body, say, a ball continues to move without hindrance in a straight line if the ground is devoid of friction. However we must understand that this is just an ideal situation, such a condition is never possible unless we are provided with a perfect, frictionless plane.
The year 1589 changed Galileo's life forever. It was in 1589 that Galileo climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa and carried out the famous 'Pisa Tower Experiment'. He threw many objects from the top of the tower to the ground ranging from wood to cannon balls!
According to Aristotle, heavier objects fell faster than lighter ones in proportion to their weights. But Galileo deposed this idea by stating that the descent of a heavy and light object is independent of their masses. Galileo postulated,
''Bodies of the same material falling through the same medium would fall at the same speed.''
He developed a new device to observe the sky now called a telescope, He found that Jupiter was surrounded by four bodies (moons) namely, Ganymede (the largest moon in our solar system), Europa (the smoothest moon in our solar system), Callisto (one of the brightest moon in our solar system) and IO. These moons are now called the 'Galilean moons'. His findings were truly remarkable. Backed by his discoveries he questioned the Geocentric model of Universe.
But the 'school of thought' that existed then was that everything revolved around the Earth, and Galileo's findings sharply questioned this idea. People began criticising him and even filed cases against him in the court for going against an age-old belief. Galileo was not ready to yield to such lame criticisms and filed his astronomical observations to a higher authority stating that he was right. But even they were not ready to accept his findings, probably because of the increasing public support to the old idea.
''You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.''
Galileo Galilei
Galileo won the permission to write a book on his observations with strict restrictions. This one book also won him a lot enemies and changed his life for the worse. He wrote the book in the form of a dialogue and it was titled, 'Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences'. In this book he criticised the people who supported the old school. A person who has ever had a chance to read this dialogue would discover who is the 'greater person'...Albert Einstein read this dialogue and was so moved by it that he called Galileo the 'Father of Modern Physics'.
The contents of the book worried the authorities as a result Galileo was tried for heresy and was sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life. Galileo's greatest ambition was to mathematise motion and he did it during his final years by writing a book which summarised most of his mathematical notions of motion. It is said during his years under house arrest, he used to store his mathematical and scientific papers inside a globe that he possessed.
Ironically the year Galileo died, a boy was born in Woolsthorpe, London who would bring Galileo's ideas to a grand completion...
The ‘boy’ I referred to in the previous line is none other than Isaac Newton — the ingenious successor to Galileo. Newton drew immense inspiration from Galileo’s writings and took the bold step of proving Galileo’s ideas through the power of mathematics. After all, a scientific idea expressed mathematically becomes difficult to challenge, for mathematics is the very language of nature — the ultimate tool for validating or disproving theoretical concepts.
Since I have already dedicated a blog to Sir Isaac Newton, I won’t delve into his life story once again. Instead, let’s focus on some of his greatest scientific achievements.
Newton published his landmark work, 'The Principia' in the year 1687. 'The Principia' is considered as the single-most important scientific work ever written. In this book Newton clearly lays down his famous laws of motion and his theory of Universal gravitation.
''Every body preserves in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon''
Explanation: Consider a body at rest. This body will be continue to be in the state of rest until an external force acts on it. Now consider a ball rolling on the ground, in an ideal situation this ball will continue its uniform motion in a straight line till infinity.
''The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed''
Explanation: It simply means that the force acting on a body is directly proportional to the product of its mass and acceleration.
Consider a body with initial velocity 'u', and final velocity 'v' having a mass 'm'.
Momentum = mass ✖ velocity
Initial momentum: mu
Final momentum: mv
Change in momentum: mv-mu
= m(v-u)
Rate of change of momentum: m(v-u)/t
According to Newton's Second Law, Force ∝ rate of change of momentum
⇒ F∝ m(v-u)/t
We know rate of change of velocity is acceleration (a)
⇒ F∝ ma
⇒ F=kma, where 'k' is the constant of proportionality
when k=1
This is how we mathematically derive Newton's Second Law of Motion.
''To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction''
Explanation: This is perhaps the only 'law' which does not require an explanation. It must be kept in mind that the action and reaction forces always act on different bodies and are equal in magnitude. Newton's Third Law of Motion has huge applications in rocket science.
Sir Isaac Newton was fascinated by colours and he made seminal contributions to optics, a branch of Physics. Newton's masterpiece, 'Opticks' established many of the ideas and concepts that we learn today.
It is said that Newton made a small hole in his room through which he allowed the entry of a light beam which was in turn passed through a prism. The incident white light or sun light was split into its seven constituent colours by the prism.
Figure 7: Phenomenon of recombination
The medieval interpretations of physics, though often flawed and clouded by philosophical and religious biases, laid the groundwork for the scientific revolution — a turning point that transformed how humanity perceives the universe.
In my next blog, we will step into the fascinating world of modern physics, where centuries of observation, experimentation, and mathematical brilliance converge to unravel the deepest mysteries of nature.
1. Wikimedia Commons- portraits of Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton, images depicting Kepler's laws of planetary motion, Leaning Tower Experiment, copy of Principia, depiction of Newton's Third Law of Motion, dispersion of light by glass prism.
2. NCERT Textbook: Recombination phenomenon.
3. Wikipedia: some information regarding place and time (Tycho Brahe and Galileo Galilei)
*All the media published in this blog belongs to their original creators and 'Knowledge Through Science' does not claim any right over it.
Well done!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Sir 😊