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Who is great? Newton or Einstein πŸ€”


What a question!

This is the question which comes to the mind of any human being when they encounter science. This question is tricky and interesting to deal with. Mmmm...being an ardent follower of Sir Isaac may think that I may support Newton but now in this blog we are going to explore all the points associated with these scientific geniuses.

So, let's get started...

''Sorry Newton''

Albert Einstein wrote these words in his diary when he proved that Newton was wrong about some of his well-known ideas.

Isaac Newton is often considered as the greatest mathematician and scientist of all time but a sudden reversal in this title happened in the nineteenth century, with the birth of a boy, named Albert, Albert Einstein...a boy who would revolutionise science especially physics forever...

 Figure 1: Albert Einstein

''Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow, the important thing is to never stop questioning''
Albert Einstein

Einstein, like me was also greatly influenced by Newton...and he would in turn go on to prove that Newton was wrong about his understanding of 'gravity', 'motion' and above all 'time'.

It is said that Einstein did not speak for many years after his birth, and once when he was sitting with his family for dinner, Albert suddenly uttered, 'Oh...this soup is too hot'. And these were his first ever words. Later his mouth would open again and again to explain his revolutionary scientific concepts.

Figure 2: Sir Isaac Newton

''What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean''

-Isaac Newton

Newton also had a similar childhood, it said that he was born immature and could fit into a kettle!!!

Newton didn't have a happy childhood, and did fairly in his studies. Einstein on the other hand was also an average student but I should say his math and science marks is 6...(6 is the highest grade a student can get in a term, it is similar to the A1 grade in India).

Newton was born at a time when science was just developing and people were trying to understand science in a radically new fashion. Newton can be considered as the greatest contributor to physics or rather science during the 'Scientific Revolution'. 

His notions of motion and gravitation are still cornerstones in physics with very wide applications. However, our Albert is going to prove that what Newton imagined to be right was not right. I think you may not have grasped the complete idea, even I could not understand the concepts at first but later I too understood. And I must admit the fact Albert's facts were truly elegant, better than Newton's, that no one could disprove because of its eliteness and clarity of thought.

Albert Einstein was a sought of a rebel. He was in constant rebellion with his teachers and did not have a happy school life and as a result had a tumultuous childhood. He loved math than any other subject and he performed very well in this subject. If you look at a typical Albert Einstein report, you can clearly observe that his math and science grades would be 6 (the highest grade attainable) and his English, German language grades would be in the range of 1-3. 

People love to compare these two giants...Now I have with me Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Albert Einstein...

Me: Welcome, Albert and welcome Newton...

Albert and Newton together replied, 'Nice to meet you and very pleased to be here with you'😊

Newton and Albert gets into a conversation, 

Albert: Newton, I must say your theories are not true under all conditions...

Newton: What rubbish, my theories wrong...😠give me fundamental explanations for your statement.

Albert: Hey Newton, I will explain, according to the Theory of Relativity...πŸ•¬πŸ•¬πŸ•¬

(Newton interrupts)

Newton: Stop that...why all these relativity...use my famous laws...😏

Albert: Your laws are wrong Newton...😐

Newton: How dare you challenge my theory 😑 

I must interrupt now I must stop this blog right now or this might get even worse. I am afraid what Newton will do it to me in my next blog because I need to explain to you all the he was wrong about some of his theories😣

Information credits: My 🧠, πŸ˜€

Image credit: Wikipedia, images of Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton


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